

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hungarian Nature Conservation

I'm a conservation biologist/ornithologist by training and the son of a Hungarian immigrant by birth. So, it may have been inevitable that in middle-age I find myself repeatedly returning to Hungary with binoculars, camera, and field microphone in hand. This summer marks the third consecutive year I am returning to Hungary for time in the countryside and city. This spring, with the support of UMass, I'll be visiting several Hungarian national parks (Nemzeti Parks) where I'll be gathering information on the parks' biodiversity conservation efforts and challenges. I'll have my camera and microphone in hand, so I can share what I see, hear, and learn with my UMass students and readers of this blog.

My intention is that this blog will be a place where English langauge readers can visit to learn about nature conservation in Hungary. My focus will be on bird conservation, but I'll touch on other taxa and issues I learn about during my 1 1/2 month stay. I'll try and serve as a guide to some of the resources only available in Hungarian. I will also build several langauge guides for those of you interested in learning how to communicate your interest in conservation biology and natural history in Hungarian.

1 comment:

  1. One way to bootstrap the vocabulary would be getting hold of some well-translated literature on the subject, and uploading the English and Hungarian versions to hunglish.hu
    There's some serious computational linguistics magic in the background, so in the end you can query the site for words and terms, and see them in context in the two languages.
